
employee loyalty中文是什么意思

  • 员工忠诚,亦作
  • 员工忠诚度



  • 例句与用法
  • What is your position on employee loyalty
    (对于雇员的忠诚你持什么立场? )
  • To increase current employees loyalty to employer , strengthen their trust and good feelings to reduce hr departments workload
  • Offering suitable life and health benefits can build up employee loyalty and reduce turnover , which are surely beneficial to your business growth
  • The paper finds that there occurs the obvious interrelation of the internal service quality , the employee satisfaction and the employee loyalty
  • Employee stock option plans ( esops ) allow business owners to defer capital gains taxes , maintain company control and increase employee loyalty , among other benefits
  • On the basis of the service profit chain and blue printing model , the paper wants to research the relationship of the internal service quality , employee satisfaction and employee loyalty inside the organization
  • The first step of the management based on the employee loyalty is to measure it scientifically and accurately . there are two kinds of measurements : the quantitative measurement and the qualitative measurement
  • This paper discusses three models of the employee loyalty : the game model , the economic value model and the exit - voice model , in order to analyze the value of it and prove that the enterprises can benefit from the loyal employees generally and especially in the tough times
  • Also the paper does some research from the following profile : a ) discuss the key factors of the internal service quality , employee satisfaction and employee loyalty in the management process ; b ) research on the influence of the internal service quality to employee satisfaction ; c ) research on the influence of the internal service quality to the employee loyalty ; d ) research on the influence of the employee satisfaction to the employee loyalty
    具体可以由以下几方面来描述: a ) 、探讨组织管理者最为重视的内部服务质量、员工满意度和员工忠诚度三者的关键因素; b ) 、研究探讨组织内部服务质量与员工满意度之间的关系; c ) 、研究探讨组织内部服务质量与员工忠诚度之间的关系; d ) 、研究探讨员工满意度和员工忠诚度之间的关系。
  • On the basic principles of economic theories and the practices in the enterprise management , this paper discusses the definition , value and measurement of the employee loyalty of the modern enterprise and puts forward the ways in which the enterprises can build and improve the loyalty coefficient
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
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